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How To Stimulate Collagen Production in Skin

How To Stimulate Collagen Production in Skin

It starts with your skin — confidence, happiness, and overall attitude. Breakouts or dry patches are nothing to be ashamed of, but if they're avoidable, then why not? MadeMan sees firsthand how changes in a skincare routine can transform your confidence levels.

If skincare has never been a top priority, we suggest you make it one — a good skincare routine is the first step toward overall good daily habits.

What Is Collagen?

Protein is a vital component your body needs to function. It helps with overall nutrition and helps build muscle mass. But, what about your skin? Does that need protein too? Yes, protein plays a significant role in your skin's health — here's how.

Protein is found in your muscles, bones, tendons, and skin. Collagen is a type of protein that provides your muscles, skin, and ligaments with stretch and scripture. As endogenous collagen can play a vital role in your body's overall health, depletion and breakdown may result in certain skin and health issues.

It's not uncommon to get collagen from outside sources — many men opt to take synthetic collagen when they feel their bodies aren't producing enough.

Collagen can also support bone and joint health, which is especially helpful if you're physically active.

Even if you're not super active, bone and joint health are still important. Regular use of collagen can help promote smoother joint function, which is essential for daily tasks like walking upstairs, sitting and standing, or performing any weight-bearing activities.

How To Get Collagen

It's common to get collagen by taking supplements. Other supplements are common, so taking a collagen supplement is no big deal. You can either up your collagen by taking supplements or by eating certain foods that can help your body absorb more collagen.

To help your body produce the right amount of collagen, you want to stick to collagen-rich foods.

We know it can be challenging to achieve a perfectly balanced diet. We're here to find ways to get you the right amount of collagen in your diet. Collagen makes up ⅓ of the protein in the human body, so you must be getting your daily fix. Here’s how:

Improving Your Diet

Having a balanced diet is a great way to get all the collagen you need. However, if these foods listed below don't work with your eating habits, feel free to skip ahead to the alternative solutions.

The main purpose of collagen is to help your skin maintain its stretch, structure, and suppleness. If you're climbing higher in the age rank, you may notice your skin isn't as youthful as it once was — which is natural. But, we want to offer you some advice on the best ways to get your collagen levels back up!

Bone Broth

Traditionally bone broth is made for recipes like soups or sauces, but what if we told you that consuming bone broth on a regular basis could help your body produce more collagen?

Bone broth is made by boiling animal bones and connective tissues. It contains high amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, amino acids, and many other key nutrients.

Not only is bone broth delicious, but it can also help with your skin — seems too good to be true? Well, there is a catch. Your bone broth's quality and nutritional value are dependent on the actual bones and other ingredients you use.

Steer clear of store-bought bone broths. We suggest making your own from high-quality cuts of bones and ligaments.


If you're tired of eating lean chicken breast and broccoli for every meal, it's time to buckle up — we have even more reasons why chicken should stay in your diet.

If you read the ingredients on many collagen supplements, they are commonly derived from chicken, and for a good reason. Poultry contains many connective tissues, which means the chicken is high in collagen.

We suggest eating plenty of chicken and making sure chicken neck and cartilage are used when making your bone broth.

Fish and Shellfish

Hopefully, you don't have a shellfish allergy because shellfish are great for collagen production — here's why.

Fish and shellfish have bones and ligaments made of collagen. It's no secret that fish are full of omega-3s, and omega-3s are known for aiding in skin health.

The tastiest parts of the fish aren't where the highest collagen levels lay — for optimal collagen levels, you should consider eating the eyes of the fish.

Suppose fish eyes aren’t your forte, no worries. You can get your collagen elsewhere — we still have many more suggestions!

Egg Whites

Egg white omelets might not sound like the heartiest breakfast, but egg whites can be a game-changer for your skin.

Egg whites contain high amounts of proline, an amino acid vital to collagen production in the body.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are delicious and nutritious. They taste great, and thanks to their high levels of vitamin C, they can support the appearance of your skin by helping your body produce more collagen.


If you've been told to eat garlic when you're sick, we're advising you to up your garlic intake when trying to protect your collagen levels.

Garlic isn't just a tasty addition to your meals; it's also high in sulfur, which helps synthesize and prevent collagen breakdown.

Taking Collagen Supplements

Taking collagen supplements may not hurt you, but it may not help you either. The body makes collagen by combining amino acids and other proteins. Taking collagen supplements probably won't give you your desired result if a healthy and balanced diet isn't implemented.

Collagen supplements will provide you with some amounts of amino acids, but not all of them — that's where your diet comes in.

Is Eating Collagen Better Than Taking Supplements?

It's a common argument on whether supplements are as effective as just straight-up consuming the foods that contain vital proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Well, the same goes for collagen — is it better to skip the supplements and just focus on your food intake? We say yes!

Is Collagen Food for Your Skin?

Now that we have spent the first portion of this article telling you how important collagen is, let's discuss why and how it benefits your skin.

Collagen is the component in our skin that keeps it from sagging, giving you a well-aged and plump look. Even if wrinkles and the appearance of your skin have never been a huge concern in the past, we still think caring for your skin should be a key part of your daily process.

Collagen is good for your skin as it promotes healthy connective tissues throughout. Your body naturally makes collagen, but the production slows around age 20.

Age is a common cause of the decrease in collagen production, but it's not the only one. Things like diet, tobacco use, and sun exposure can affect it too.

Preventing Decline in Collagen Production

A decrease in collagen production is inevitable with age, but there are ways you can help slow the process.

If You're a Smoker

If you're a heavy smoker or use tobacco regularly, you can expect your collagen to drop much quicker compared to a non-tobacco user.

It's no secret that smoking is bad for your skin, but let's talk about exactly why. When you smoke or consume tobacco, it decreases the synthesis rates of type I and III collagens in the skin.

Poor Nutrition

A healthy and balanced diet is vital for collagen production. If you put aging on top of poor nutrition, your collagen production doesn't stand a chance.

Nutrition is important in every aspect of your life, not just your skin. It affects your energy levels, mental health, productivity, and so much more — the key to being the best man you can be is taking care of yourself.

Sun Exposure

Too much sun exposure can lead to many health problems, and a decrease in collagen is one of them.

UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, past the epidermis, and to the dermis. This is where collagen fibers live, and once the UVA rays reach these fibers, the damage is done.

It's essential to always wear sunscreen of at least SPF 30, even if your time outside is minimal. The sun is a powerful thing, and sometimes its effects are irreversible.

Can You Stimulate Collagen Production in Skin?

As you age, you can expect your collagen to drop. Collagen helps the skin keep its tightness and elasticity. A lack of collagen can lead to signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

If your collagen levels are high (and where they should be), you can expect soft, smooth, and firm skin. Collagen aids the skin cell in renewal and repair.

We've talked about how you can promote collagen production by eating certain foods and maintaining a healthy diet. Still, there are other ways to stimulate collagen production in the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a well-known and highly renowned ingredient in the skincare industry. It has nourishing properties that help keep the skin moisturized.

Using products with hyaluronic acid is always a good idea. Still, you can also take supplements or eat certain foods rich in amino acids like beans, root vegetables, and soy.

Aloe Vera Gel

If you've spent any extended period in the sun, we're sure you've relied on aloe vera gel to relieve your sunburn before. Aloe vera gel is great for many reasons, but we want to explain how aloe vera supplements can help with your collagen production.

Aloe vera can be taken orally. If you take an aloe vera supplement, you may see a change in your skin's appearance. Aloe vera supplements may help your hyaluronic acid and collagen production.


Ginseng has been used for centuries. Ginseng is thought to help increase your body's natural collagen production.


Free radicals are molecules that can damage your skin and body. When your body is exposed to these radicals, it can cause premature wrinkles and fine lines.

Antioxidants do a great job at helping already present collagen do its job correctly. Many foods are high in antioxidants.

  • Blueberries, green tea (or EGCG, its active component)
  • Yerba mate licorice extract
  • Mulberry extract
  • Pomegranate extract
  • Coffee extract
  • Astragalus
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil, oregano, and thyme essential oils

These are all ingredients you can incorporate into your diet to get all your needed antioxidants.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy can be a quick and affordable option to help stimulate collagen production in the skin. Red light therapy is non-invasive and shouldn't give you unwanted side effects.

Promote Healthy Skin With MadeMan

Collagen is a key component in healthy skin, but there are other ways to promote healthy and youthful skin.

When you use MadeMan products, tips, and advice, you can expect your skincare routine to be simple, easy, and affordable. You're a busy man; managing your time is already difficult enough — you shouldn't have to worry about curating a 12-step skincare routine.

There is no need to overcomplicate your skincare routine. MadeMan believes that simplicity is key.

Our Re(Set) Collection is easy as two steps, in under two minutes. This collection was designed and formulated with simplicity in mind.

If you've had an intricate skincare routine in the past, consider taking a simpler approach — take your precious time back.

Learn About Your Skin Type

The best way to care for your skin correctly is to learn about your skin type. There are a few different skin types, and each skin type requires a different approach.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused when the sebum glands in your skin overproduce oil. While sebum is vital for healthy skin, too much oil production can result in clogged pores and breakouts.

The best way to combat oily skin and avoid breakouts and clogged pores is by ensuring you have a solid skincare routine.

You should opt for a water-based cleanser. Exfoliating your skin no more than twice a week can be beneficial too. Exfoliating ensures any build-up of dirt and bacteria is washed away.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can be a pain to deal with, literally and figuratively. When you have severely dry skin, it can cause your skin to peel and crack, leading to discomfort.

Moisturizer should be a key component in your skincare routine when dealing with dry skin. Look for products with healing and nourishing properties such as hyaluronic acid and natural oils like jojoba, coconut, or sunflower seed oil.

Dry skin can be especially bad if you live in dry or cold environments. However, as long as you prioritize your skin's moisture, dry skin is very manageable.

Combination Skin

Combination skin can be tricky as it tends to change throughout the day.

We suggest having a morning and night skincare routine if you have combination skin. It may take a day or two of observing your skin to pinpoint exactly what it needs.

If you notice your skin is most oily when you wake up, your morning skincare routine should be formulated to help cleanse and prepare the skin for the day ahead. In contrast, your nighttime routine should be focused on moisturizing your skin and preparing it for a night of healing and rejuvenation.

Normal Skin

If you have normal skin, congratulations! You most likely don't have any issues with your skin or any products you cannot use. Normal skin is the easiest to manage and leaves you looking quite dapper, no matter what you're wearing.

Avoid Razor Burn

A first shave is a monumental moment in every man's life, and while you've probably been doing it for quite some time now, that's not to say razor burn is an issue of the past.

Razor burn can be caused by various reasons and can lead to your skin appearing bumpy and feeling itchy.

Knowing how to avoid razor burn is crucial if your goal is to get your skin looking proper. Razor burn is caused by improper or incorrect shaving tools or methods. While sometimes razor burn is inevitable, here are some of our tips and tricks on how to get the perfect shave.

However, if you do get razor burn, there's no need to get upset. This usually heals and clears up within a few days of shaving, so it’s nothing permanent. We just suggest being more careful next time!

In Conclusion

At MadeMan, we want to emphasize that collagen is a vital protein your body needs to function properly. It’s beneficial to your hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. It’s not uncommon for people to lack collagen, as certain lifestyles can be detrimental to your collagen production.

If you want to see a difference in your skin's health, then you should consider prioritizing collagen in your diet!


What is collagen, and why do people use it? | Medicalnewstoday

Should I take a collagen supplement? | MDanderson

4 Head-To-Toe Ways That Collagen Can Improve Your Health | Penn Medicine

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